New Music - Win by CIVIL

This song will be available on all streaming apps soon, but you can support me directly by purchasing the single here. WIN- by CIVIL

CW: Anxiety/Depression

I’m gonna get right into it. Depression and anxiety are things that we still don’t fully grasp in our community. This has been a real struggle for me, and though I’ve probably alluded to it before, I’ve never fully gotten into the effect its had on me. This year in particular has been tremendously hard on me and has really challenged and pushed me to the brink. I lost my grandmother and had to also let go of a lot of relationships that were not healthy for me. I struggled to find my way as an artist, and to move forward in a world with COVID. The anxiety made it really hard to function, and the lack of function made me feel depressed. But thankfully I have people in my corner that have helped pick me up, and I’ve done the work to keep fighting against these things. I feel like I’m not playing my part, doing my role, as an artist if I don’t share these struggle though. I want folks to know that they aren’t alone, and though I don’t have all the answers, I’m here to fight with them.

So this song Win, comes from my heart. Its a side of me that I’ve only given glimpses of. Thank you for listening, this is therapeutic for me to get this out there and speak my truth. If you are someone who struggles with these things, know there is nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve been where you have been, and I know it is tremendously hard. Even though this is America and the healthcare system is a joke, know that there IS help out there. Please be kind to yourself and know there is nothing wrong with you. This is just an illness, and we gotta take care of ourselves to cure that illness. I’m no professional and again I don’t have the answers. But I’m here with you.